We recommend HikaShop for Ecommerce


Over 25 years of experience helping people simplify business through smart use of technology


We offer a unique business review and mentoring service. Working with you to help identify areas of your business that could benefit from changes which align 'what you do' with industry 'best practice'....

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CRM Solutions

Customer management is an area where many small businesses struggle. We can show you how to implement a single Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution able to integrate all your customer, sales, marketing and project information in one place....

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Cloud Solutions

These days we're all under pressure to use cloud based services. However, not all cloud based solutions are in our best interest. We help you understand the benefits... "and" the risks... so you're equipped to choose the right solutions for 'your' business....

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Website Design

We design and build modern, functional, secure, responsive and easy to maintain websites. We use industry standard web platforms rather than those offered by some restrictive cloud based providers....

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Hosting & Domains

We exclusively provide Australian based hosting and domain name services to avoid risks associated with many overseas suppliers. Our hosting and domain name services are backed by Australia's largest web hosting company.

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Graphic Design

We provide a comprehensive graphic design and printing service. From simple business logo's though to full scale conference and event solutions. ....

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Samples of recent websites we've designed and built

Our Team

We're passionate, talented and care about our customers success

Kim Wadham

"We love sharing our knowledge and experience to help customers simplify and improve their businesses"

Samantha Wadham

"Our success comes from doing the very same things we teach customers to do."

Our Staff

Support Staff
"As well as our own team, we partner with other specialist businesses to ensure the expertise we provide is specifically matched to our customer needs."


We bring over 25 years of experience in business, technology integration and design to the table

Queensland Office
Tratenik, Serbia, Brace Spasojevic Street 27

  • P.O. Box 1880, Buderim Queensland 4556
  • Phone: (07) 5456 2298

Melbourne Office
Tratenik, Serbia, Brace Spasojevic Street 27

  • Mobile: (07) 5456 2298
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